These attractive and low-maintenance plants are carefully selected for their compatibility with the dry soils found above septic systems. Designed after the study released by Purdue University.
6.50 PLS LBS/Acre
56.00 Seed/Sq. Ft
Wildflowers: Nodding Onion, Wild Columbine, Silky Aster, Canada Milk Vetch, Partridge Pea, Lance-Leaf (Sand) Coreopsis, Prairie Coreopsis, White Prairie Clover, Purple Prairie Clover, Pale Purple Coneflower, Purple Coneflower, Rattlesnake Master, Western Sunflower, Early Sunflower, False Boneset, Rough Blazing Star, Wild Lupine, Wild Bergamot, Foxglove Beard Tongue, Prairie Cinquefoil, Black-Eyed Susan, Brown-Eyed Susan, Wild Petunia, Old Field Goldenrod, Showy Goldenrod, Ohio Spiderwort, Hoary Vervain
Grasses, Sedges & Rushes: Side Oats Grama, Prairie Brome, Copper-Shouldered Oval Sedge, Plains Oval Sedge, Field Oval Sedge, Sand Bracted Sedge, Poverty Oat Grass, Canada Wild Rye, Purple Love Grass, June Grass, Little Bluestem, Sand Dropseed, Prairie Dropseed
** While we make every effort to provide all species as listed above, please note that our seed mix composition may be subject to change due to seasonal availability. **