A nice selection of grasses, sedges, rushes, and wildflowers. Many of these species such as Blue Flag Iris and Arrowhead grow near water level and are rooted in shallow water. Wetland Emergent plants grow best where the water is 3 inches above or below the surface of the soil. These areas are found on shorelines of ponds, marshes, and lakes. Once established, emergent plants can withstand several feet of standing water.
4 PLS LBS/Acre
113 seeds/sq ft
Wildflowers: Sweet Flag, Common Water Plantain, Blue Flag Iris, Monkey Flower, Arrowhead, Giant Bur-Reed
Grasses, Sedges & Rushes: Blue Joint Grass, Bristly Sedge, Fringed Sedge, Porcupine Sedge, Reed Manna Grass, Fowl Manna Grass, Common Rush, Rice Cut Grass, Hard-Stemmed Bulrush, Dark-Green Bullrush, Wool Grass, River Bullrush, Red Bulrush, Soft-Stem Bulrush, Prairie Cordgrass
** While we make every effort to provide all species as listed above, please note that our seed mix composition may be subject to change due to seasonal availability. **